Saturday, November 21, 2009

Yang dinamakan manusia
macam para rasul, nabi, wali, sufi, tabiin, solehin
kehidupan dan keadaan yang disebut nasib
berpendirian: pilihan perangai sebagai penentuan.

Dan mereka, pasti taat sepenuhnya
kepada Allah.

In the name of human,
As a messenger of god, prophet, trustee, mystic, follower,
Living in a situation as what we called fate
Standing: choice to be chosen as determination.

And, they definite be obedient
To the God

Setiap laki-laki ialah langit
All men are like heaven
Tempat tergantungnya bintang-bintang
Is the place where the stars dependent on

Langit-selalu dipandang
Sky-always be stared
kerana luas dan lapang
as it is wide and spacious
tapi sukar dikawal dan pegang
but it is very hard to be controlled and hold
tatkala damai, ia tenang tenteram
when in peace, it is calm
dan melindungi yang di bawahnya
and protect it belongings
pabila terluka, ia merajuk
when get hurts, it grumbles
hiba hati melihatnya
looks sympathy
hilanglah keindahan keperkasaannya
lost its beauty of courage
dan tatkala senjakala
when twilight
warnanya kemerahan
the redness
tanda segala tenaganya terkumpul
the sign of all energy gathered
memberitahu kepada dunia
informed the world
betapa kuasa memerintah itu sementara
how strong the power is as to rule the world temporary

Dan malam – boleh dikira masa langit riang
At night – Can be said as elated time
selebihnya, ia lesu tak bermaya
with surplus, it is exhausted and weak
kerana tunduk kepada Illahi yang sentiasa berkuasa.
Because it bow to the God who are always dominant.

Poem: daengramliakil2008
Translater [English]: yeewen20Nov2009


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. menarik!bila cikgu nak tulis puisi yentang kaum hawa?
